Stacy Christiansen and Antonija Pai´c have joined the Editorial Board of Science Editor.

Stacy Christiansen, MA, has been a medical editor for the JAMA/Archives family of medical journals since 1996. Her first position involved editing for a group of five specialty medical journals—including Archives of Internal Medicine, Archives of Neurology, and Archives of Dermatology—and then supervising that editorial team. She is currently the director of manuscript editing for JAMA, managing a group of seven manuscript editors who perform research, editing, proofreading, technical, and author–editor liaison activities for the weekly publication. She is a coauthor of the 10th edition of the AMA Manual of Style. Stacy has taught medical editing in the Medical Writing and Editing Certificate Program for the University of Chicago since 1999. She has participated in the CSE Short Course for Manuscript Editors since 2005 and is an active member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA).
Stacy earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English language and literature from Northern Illinois University. She has also completed the AMWA core curriculum. Her interests outside biomedical communication include movies, music, reading, and playing Wii and building Legos with her two sons, who keep her quite busy as well.

Antonija Paić is the language editor of the Croatian Medical Journal. She was born and grew up in Šibenik, a small town on the coast of Croatia. Paic’s love for reading began very early. She writes: “As a kid, I used to read anything I could get my hands on—mostly adventures and detective stories, especially Agatha Christie and Jules Verne. And I watched a lot of catastrophe movies, which made me want to become a seismologist, predict earthquakes, and climb volcanoes. After high school, my love for reading (and not-so-good marks in physics) prevailed and I chose the study of comparative literature and English language. To go to university, I moved to Zagreb, where I had to get accustomed to much less sunshine and much longer winters with snow. I still read a lot, but since I started working for the Croatian Medical Journal, I’ve been reading mostly scientific articles. I realized, though, that they too can be an interesting read and making them more readable for other people an interesting job. I especially enjoy collaborating with authors to improve the quality of the submitted manuscript. I’ve also contributed to the educational activities of the Journal by teaching the structure and technical preparation of the scientific article at the continuing education course for physicians, “Planning and Writing of a Scientific Article”, which is a great way to improve the quality of scientific writing. My hobbies include practicing tai chi, attending rock concerts, and recently, performing culinary experiments.”