Introducing the New Science Editor.

President, Council of Science Editors
Starting with the extremely successful annual meeting in Seattle, my year as CSE president has so far been charmed. I find myself following in the footsteps of a terrific president, Diane Sullenberger, and working with an incredible group of extremely talented Board members, committee chairs, and all the other members who volunteer their services to further the important mission of CSE. The Resource Center, our management company, continues to provide excellent support. On top of all that, I have the privilege of writing an introduction for the first issue of the revitalized Science Editor, which you now hold in your hands or behold on your computer screen. There would be no such issue without the tremendous response to the member survey that asked for opinions and ideas about the best way to relaunch the journal after a year-long hiatus. Even that would not have been enough were we not so fortunate as to welcome Patty Baskin—long-time CSE member, annual meeting session organizer and presenter, and former short-course chair and continuing faculty member—as the new editor of Science Editor. Patty brings not only her wealth of experience in CSE and her career as an executive editor to the job but a commitment to incorporate the feedback from the member survey into future issues of Science Editor. With Patty at the helm, and the dedicated Editorial Board and production team in place to assist her, the sky is the limit. Please enjoy this and all future issues of Science Editor and continue to let us know how can serve you.
Beginning Again: Creating Conversations

Editor-in-Chief, Science Editor
It’s always exciting for me to begin a new project—to think about the possibilities and gather a group of other excited people around me—and, as part of the project, to exchange stimulating ideas and begin new friendships. In this instance, it’s doubly exciting—editing Science Editor (SE) is a new project for me as well as a new beginning for SE. My goal for this relaunch of SE is to open new conversations among our members. By focusing on a timely topic for each issue, I hope to generate discussion of ideas and processes that members can apply in their own workplaces and to increase their knowledge of scientific publishing. This month’s issue focuses on preventing scientific misconduct in our publications, exploring such subjects as image manipulation and plagiarism and reviewing the recent survey by CSE on misconduct allegations. Our next issue will focus on recent developments and growth in open access. I look forward to receiving contributions that further these conversations and create new ones.