
The Time Has Come…

Patricia K Baskin Editor-in-Chief, Science Editor
Patricia K Baskin
Editor-in-Chief, Science Editor

“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “to talk of many things “(Lewis Carroll, from Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, 1871).

It’s time again to talk about the “many things” that are changing the face of scholarly publishing. This issue of Science Editor and the one to follow address a plethora of continuing and new initiatives in scholarly publishing, including facets of emerging technologies, increasing global reach, tighter editorial standards, and growing attention to ethical issues.

We begin this issue with an article on the success and growth of the African Journal Partnership Project, which is supported in part by CSE. Other pieces touching on international efforts include the annual meeting reports on translations and recent open-access mandates in Europe, an article on developing medical writing programs in South Korea, and a report on the Seventh International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, which was held in September 2013.

This issue contains two peer-reviewed research articles that are based on posters presented at the 2013 annual meeting. The first addresses the question of trade-offs encountered when journals publish supplemental online content, and the other describes how data gathered during the peer-review cycle influenced the behavior of the editors of a group of scientific journals.

The research articles are followed by commentaries on the new and continuing initiatives CHORUS and EQUATOR (read these reports to learn more; hint: they are not related to singers or to an imaginary line equidistant from the north and south poles). Other articles focus on publication ethics (two annual meeting reports and the Ethical Editor column), and there is a book review on the history of paper.

Finally, you’ll find articles containing information on the program and short courses to be offered at the 2014 CSE annual meeting, which will be held in San Antonio in May.

Look forward in the next issue to articles on ORCID, CLOCKSS, mentoring peer reviewers, moving journals online, semantic tagging, the Physician Payments Sunshine Act, a new citation scheme, developing a social-media strategy, and more. The world of scholarly publishing is changing quickly, and the time has come to talk of these things!

Winter 2014 viewpoint