The management functions of the Council of Science Editors have moved to the Resource Center for Associations, in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. David Stumph, president of the Resource Center, has become CSE’s new executive director.
The move occurred in October 2009, after extensive evaluation of services available from various management companies, including the company that served CSE in recent years. During the evaluation process, the Resource Center emerged as especially well qualified.
“We contacted some of the Resource Center’s clients, and I was impressed by the uniformly glowing responses,” said Diane Lang, CSE president. “Not only did the clients feel strongly supported in the daily work of their organizations, they also praised the direction and organization that the Resource Center provided. A number of leaders noted that the Resource Center contributed substantially to the progress made by their organizations over the years.” Clients also said that the Resource Center excelled at managing meetings, including those with complex schedules.
In addition, Lang and other CSE leaders were impressed by their interactions with Resource Center staff. “Over the course of the evaluation process, we found the staff of the Resource Center to be helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly,” Lang said.
At its May 2009 meeting, the CSE Board of Directors unanimously approved the move to the Resource Center. In the months that followed, various Board members and committee chairs worked with the Resource Center staff to ensure a smooth transition.
New CSE Executive Director David Stumph (dstumph@resourcenter.com) brings more than 26 years of association-management experience. He has been a certified association executive since 1986, and he is active in the International Association of Association Management Companies.
Others on the new CSE management team include Carla Pacheco (cpacheco@resourcenter.com), Jeannine Broker (jbroker@resourcenter.com), Kristi Klinke (kklinke@resourcenter.com), and Jan Hathaway (jhathaway@resourcenter.com). Pacheco is association administrator and meeting manager, manages the day-to-day business of CSE, and is responsible for all logistical arrangements for the CSE annual meeting. Broker, meetings assistant, works with Pacheco in coordinating the annual-meeting logistics and is directly responsible for exhibits and related activities. Klinke is member-services director, and Hathaway is member-services coordinator for CSE.
Several additional Resource Center staff serving CSE are Carlos Fierro, staff accountant; Linda Pocsik, Web content coordinator; Ruth Gleason Roth, information-services director; and Barbara Trumbo, editorial-services coordinator.
The Resource Center was chosen in part because of its experience in working with groups in disciplines related to science editing. It serves the Society for Scholarly Publishing and the American Society for Indexers, among other organizations.
“All of us at the Resource Center are pleased to be working with you,” says Executive Director Stumph. “We have been in business for 25 years and look forward to putting our experience and staff expertise to work for CSE for many years to come!”